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2019 Road Work

October 2019

The largest project this year was the TR 60 Road Improvement which was largely

funded through the OPWC grant. This project affected TR 60 one mile north and one mile south of State Route 95. The improvements included replacing existing culverts, widening the road, and applying a new road surface. This work was completed by the winning bidder, Shelly & Sands, Mansfield, Ohio.

Other road work for the 2019 season consisted of chip and seal applications to TR 72 and 73, TR 60 between TR 65 and CR 61, TR 61 between TR 60 and the Marion County line, TR 244 including the turnaround and the alley, and TR 133.

The Morrow County Engineer, Bart Dennison, once again invited all the Morrow County

Townships to participate in a joint bidding process with the county roads. The costs, when done jointly with the county, are usually significantly less than when we bid alone.This year 20/20 Enterprises out of Somerset, Ohio, did the county work as well as the chip and seal for Canaan Township. There was considerable "bleeding" this year on some of the townships roads and Trustee Matt Carwell used Dale Mitchell's truck to spread stone on those areas. The trustees check all the roads monthly and complete a Road Sign Management and Inventory form. In checking the roads, they sometimes find and collect trash, tires, and others items considered litter.The trustees collect these items and properly dispose of them. If you ever find something on the roads that doesn't belong, please contact one of the trustees so we can get it removed as soon as possible. The trustees also mowed the ditches at least 2 times this summer and fall. It was a challenge at times as the new Kuhn mower that was purchased last summer was in the repair shop twice! We are now facing the fact that winter will soon be upon us.The trustees will, once again, be signing a contract soon for snow removal.


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Canaan Township

(mailing address)

2605 County Road 59

Edison, Ohio 43320


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Canaan Township Hall

(physical address)

2170 State Route 95

Edison, Ohio 43320

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